TRAVEL: A Second Helping

TRAVEL: A Second Helping

(Lynn, Bruno, and Jeff at Chez Bruno in Dijon.)  By Jeff Maisey In last month’s issue of Veer, I wrote solely about one of my favorite dining experiences in Paris, the majestically unique, warmly welcoming Au Vieux Paris d’Arcole.  I was heartened by the response from...
TRAVEL: The Best Ever

TRAVEL: The Best Ever

(An early evening glass of wine outside Au Vieux Paris. Photo by Lynn Hughes-Hailey.) By Jeff Maisey “How do you know about this place?”  A distinguished looking gentleman in his 70s from California introduced to Lynn and I as the Doctor kept looking over his right...
Iceland: An Ultimate Roadtrip

Iceland: An Ultimate Roadtrip

(A horse riding tour stops for a photo-op at Skogafoss in southern Iceland) By Jeff Maisey PBS travel guru Rick Steves was motoring around Iceland the past July. Steves posted daily blogs from the road, proclaiming the country’s scenic highway to be the “ultimate...
City of Light—and Warmth

City of Light—and Warmth

By Tom Robotham Paris is so very beautiful that it satisfies something in you that is always hungry in America. – Ernest Hemingway In May of 2016, VEER publisher Jeff Maisey and I flew to London and spent the next 10 days touring Great Britain. It was my first trip...
TRAVEL: A Weekend of London Pubs

TRAVEL: A Weekend of London Pubs

(Veer publisher Jeff Maisey enjoys a pint of Fuller’s London Pride outside The Red Lion.) By Jeff Maisey “Congratulations,” said John. “You’ve found the London pub where locals hang out.” I had bellied up to the bar at The Ship & Shovell, pardoned myself for the...