ART REVIEW: A Bleep Nevertheless

  By Betsy DiJulio Make no mistake: Aggie Zed’s animal-based drawings and sculpture are not about animals.  That’s right.  Her menagerie of horses, donkeys, dogs, rabbits, and more are about people.  It’s the circus parade of the human condition, but not in any...
MOCA’s Debi Gray: Last Words (almost)

MOCA’s Debi Gray: Last Words (almost)

By Betsy DiJulio Debi Gray began her tenure as executive director at the Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA)—then the Contemporary Art Center of Virginia—with three of her small staff on maternity leave in the midst of the 2009 recession.  Furloughs and lay-offs...
ART: The Best is Yet to Come for Gloria Coker

ART: The Best is Yet to Come for Gloria Coker

By Michael Curry That phrase has been and continues to be the lifelong mantra or reason for being for Gloria Coker who is one of Coastal Virginia’s most renowned artists and visionaries who gleefully states “I can’t not paint”. Let me introduce...
ART: Stinely Dazzles with Gilded Splinters

ART: Stinely Dazzles with Gilded Splinters

By Betsy DiJulio If contemporary Sci-Fi had a twisted tryst with 17th Century Italian Baroque, Alison Stinely’s paintings would be their disturbing love child. She borrowed the title of her show, “Gilded Splinters,” from Dr. John’s song, “I Walk on Gilded Splinters,”...