Hurrah for Film & TV

Hurrah for Film & TV

(Green room and studio at Hurrah TV and Film Academy. Photo by Michael Bibbo of Waverleigh Creative.) By Montague Gammon III The Hurrah Players unique new Nusbaum Family TV & Film Academy, which starts its first round of classes for ages 12 and up on January 6, is...
ART NEWS: Synergy in Suffolk

ART NEWS: Synergy in Suffolk

(Jennifer Lucy and Hillarey Breedlove) By Betsy DiJulio If you recall the Greek myth in which humans were originally created with four arms, four legs, and a head with two faces, you know that Zeus, fearing their power, split them into two separate parts condemning...
Dessert Beers and Beer Desserts 

Dessert Beers and Beer Desserts 

Words by Diane Catanzaro and Chris Jones Photo by Diane Catanzaro Beer, glorious beer. Is there anything beer can’t do? From appetizer, to main course, to dessert, beer has the culinary chops to enhance any part of your meal. Yet, beer is often overlooked for the...