Our Racial Nightmare

Our Racial Nightmare

(From Minnesota to Louisiana to Dallas, tensions between police and the African-American community are at a boiling point) By Tom Robotham   If we do not now dare everything, the fulfillment of that prophecy, recreated from the Bible in song by a slave, is upon us:...
101 Things to Do in the 757 Before You Die

101 Things to Do in the 757 Before You Die

  The List by Bill Candler & Jeff Maisey I recently took some friends of Veer Magazine sailing on the American Rover schooner. Everyone knew about the Rover, but most of the 60-some people had never been onboard. A common remark was, “Wow, this is great. I...
Rocks of Ages

Rocks of Ages

By Tom Robotham    The traveler sees what he sees. The tourist sees what he has come to see. ― G.K. Chesterton   The first time I visited England, in 1979, most of the people I encountered were British. That may seem like a terribly obvious statement. But during...

Pride and Understanding LGBT History

By Michael Hamar June is Pride month and once again Hampton Roads Pride Fest will take place in downtown Norfolk’s Town Point Park. This year’s event is on June 18. The event now rivals the largest festivals in Norfolk and some have said that only Harbor Fest is...
2016 Summer Outdoor Music Series

2016 Summer Outdoor Music Series

Compiled by Staff As the weather heats up so does the region’s outdoor stages with live music from local and national bands. Here’s what’s hot this summer.    YNOT Wednesdays (Virginia Beach/Sandler Center Plaza, 5 PM) 6/1 – Kaboombox 6/8 – Tidewater Drive...