Life Out of Balance

Life Out of Balance

By Tom Robotham One night a few weeks ago, while I was scrolling through Facebook, a meme on a friend’s page caught my eye. At the top, printed over a photograph of a forest, were the words, “This is an antidepressant.” At the bottom, over a photo of some...
OPINION: Donald The Dangerous

OPINION: Donald The Dangerous

By Michael Hamar At the risk of giving away my age, I have voted in every presidential election since 1972 and during the intervening years have also never missed voting in a state or local election.  In addition, for eight of those years I was a voting member of the...
A Preview of Blue Moon Taproom in Norfolk

A Preview of Blue Moon Taproom in Norfolk

The Cordish Companies officially announced that it will be adding Blue Moon TapHouse to the exciting lineup of venues opening at Waterside District. Blue Moon TapHouse will be a completely unique dining and entertainment concept created specifically for the Waterside...

Remembering Joe Porfert

By Tom Robotham I hurt myself today, to see if I still feel. I focus on the pain, the only thing that’s real. The needle tears a hole, the old familiar sting. Try to kill it all away, but I remember everything. ~ Trent Reznor.   In the summer of 2014, while...