Fantastique Symphony Concert

Fantastique Symphony Concert

(Composer/flutest Valerie Coleman. Photo by Kia Caldwell.)  By Montague Gammon III Sandwiching a family-friendly, kid-thrilling, grownup-enthralling, brilliantly colorful new concerto for symphony and animation between a 21st Century fanfare and a 19th Century...
WAR Headlines Funk Fest

WAR Headlines Funk Fest

By Jeff Maisey Many of you know the classic hit songs from the band WAR — “Low Rider,” “The Cisco Kid,” “Summer,” and “Why Can’t We Be Friends?” What you may not recall is the musical crossover group from Southern California known for weaving elements funk, jazz,...
Getting in a Brazilian Groove

Getting in a Brazilian Groove

By Jerome Langston “John Toomey and I met Nate Najar through a mutual friend, Chuck Redd, who’s been down here and played with us,” says Jimmy Masters, a highly regarded jazz bassist, during a recent phone chat about the long running jazz series that he curates...