FOUR IN ONE: Horton on education and more

FOUR IN ONE: Horton on education and more

TEACHERS APPRECIATION DAY/WEEK (MAY 6-10, 2019): TEACHERS ARE MY HEROES “Students don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care…” (Anonymous)      Lately, teachers have been all over the news. Additionally, we will celebrate “Teachers Appreciation...
FOUR IN ONE: Horton on education and more

OPINION: Reparations

By John L. Horton For some time now, I have been struggling with the question of “reparations…owed to African Americans?”  Finally, I have decided to put pen to paper and express myself.  It has not been an easy task as I find myself still conflicted and somewhat torn...
FOUR IN ONE: Horton on education and more

More Diversity Needed in Military

With the recent election of President Donald J. Trump, national defense and foreign policy are now in the forefront of concerns and conversation. This newly elected administration is claiming to “protect, preserve and promote” America’s interests…first and foremost....